extensions.{F807FACD-E46A-4793-B345-D58CB177673C}.description=A full-featured blog editor that integrates with your browser and lets you easily post to your blog.
#Common Strings - (in more than one file)
performancing.notavailable=Not Available
performancing.cannotwritetofile=Can not write to file, you may not have the correct permissions
performancing.delicioususererror=Please make sure you have entered a Username and Password
#From editor.js
performancing.technoratitags=Technorati Tags:
performancing.technoratitimeout=Sorry, Technorati has timed out. Their service might be down or unstable, please try again.
performancing.deliciousloginerror=Error logging into Del.Icio.Us, please check your username and password, and try again.
performancing.nopingtypeselected=No Ping Type Selected
performancing.subjectisblank=Continue even though the subject is blank?
performancing.noblogselected=No Blog Selected
performancing.mustselectblog=You must select a blog.
performancing.errorcontactingserver=Error contacting server, please try again
performancing.awlivejournalsupport=Please note LiveJournal support is experimental, not all features will work.
performancing.awnoservicechosen=Error: no service was chosen
performancing.awerrorsavingbloginfo=Could not save blog information, please make sure you have write permissions
performancing.awerrorsavinglogininfo=ScribeFire Error: Could not store username and password, please contact the author.
performancing.awrollersupport=Please note Roller support is experimental, not all features will work.
performancing.perfaccounttos=<p>I understand that Performancing.com is a group blog that focuses on the loose topic of blogging and related technologies and topics. <br/> And that <b>off-topic posts are removed</b> for the benefit of the Performancing community as a whole.</p>
performancing.accounttoserror=Please accept the Terms of Service to continue
performancing.selectablog=Please select one or more blogs to add.
performancing.settings.loaderr=Loading your settings did not start correctly, please restart your browser and try again, or contact the author. \n Error:
# Blogger login error codes
performancing.errors.blogger.badauthentication=Your username or password was not recognized.
performancing.errors.blogger.notverified=Your Google account has not yet been verified. Please check your e-mail for verification instructions.
performancing.errors.blogger.termsnotagreed=You have not yet agreed to the Blogger Terms of Service. Please access your Google account to resolve this issue.
performancing.errors.blogger.unknown=The Blogger service responded with an unknown error.
performancing.errors.blogger.accountdeleted=Your account no longer exists; please contact Blogger for more assistance.
performancing.errors.blogger.servicedisabled=Your account's access to Blogger has been disabled; please contact Blogger for more assistance.
performancing.errors.blogger.serviceunavailable=The Blogger service is currently unavailable; please try again later.